
Best Musical Show

Best Drama

Best Variety Show

Lots more categories to enter and win!

  • Best Original Show

  • Best Performer in a Leading Role

  • Best Performer in a Supporting Role

  • Best Dance Routine - Solo

  • Best Dance Routine - Group of 2 or more performers

  • Best Vocal Performance - Group of 2 or more performers

  • Best Vocal Performance - Solo

  • Best Choreographer

  • Best Ensemble

  • Best Emotionally Moving Performance

  • Best Comedy Performance - solo

  • Best Comedy Performance - 2 or more performers

  • Best Teacher Cameo Role

  • Best Villain

  • Best Director

  • Best Musical Director

  • Best Scene Stealer

  • Best Costumes

  • Best Amateur Lights & Sound

  • Best Professional Lights and Sound

  • Best Set

  • Best Up-Cycled Show

  • Best Visual Show

  • Best Parent/Guardian Support

  • Best Student Leadership Role

  • Exceptional Fellowship

  • Best Behind-The-Scenes Team

  • Best Props

  • Best Make-Up

  • The Star of Tomorrow Award

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

— Walt Disney

Join us for an unforgettable experience!